Wear your virtues as a crown,
As you walk through life gently,
and with grace,think for yourself...aloud
you possess a beauty much more than queenly :)
in your heart...love and compassion
dance in your steps
and magic on your fingertips...
go placidly through noise and chaos
remember you are 'the gift'...
just be okay with "YOU"
and make of your life a gift :)
'glitter' is a color too...
... go love it
'sparkle' does ignite a spark
...heart it :)
stand tall...
stand rooted...
unravel the you within...
you are blissfully amazing !!
Hey friends a butterfly has beautiful, scintillating wings...
but she has no idea...only those who see her...appreciate the magnificent beauty!!
In the same way you know not the beauty...the goodness...the brilliance...
that lies within you
but its there...you are special...you are unique...
and so celebrate your uniqueness...