Friday, December 21, 2012

Sharing my JOY !

Shared joy is double joy :)

So here I am sharing 
my JOY post with all of you...
I created this JOY zentangle especially for this time
...the Christmas time...

As you all know, by now...that
I just love festivities and cheer...
 and all the traditions
 and stories attached with these festivals...

they just bring that twinkle in my eyes 
and sparkle on my lips...
and I indulge myself even more
 in the celebration of life...

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” 

― Rumi

and of course I do paint 
with all my heart and soul ...
and so ....I derive
 JOY instead of PLEASURE
 with each of my stroke or a tiny little tangle !!

My friend Srishti of Prolific cooking
also shared her joy with this delicious and healthy whole wheat choco orange muffin recipe...
and since healthy cooking is my passion too...I had to try this one :)

Believe me they actually are divine :)

Sharing my JOY ...with PPF

and wishing all of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!


  1. Wow Ritu!! Super work. totally liked it ....colors, tangles everything. Thanks for sharing choco orange muffin recipe.

  2. Rita this is gorgeous work. like it very much.
    I wish you all the best for the new Year and a happy Christmas.
    lovely greet

  3. Rita the face is so beautiful and your tangles are perfect...I just love this! Happy PPF!

  4. Beautiful work and your muffins look yummy, I love the little star molds :)

  5. Love your joy zentangle Rita and those muffins do look good!! Happy Holidays!

  6. Hey Ritu, wish you merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! I am so glad you tried those muffins and liked them :). The star molds looks so attractive.

  7. This is so beautiful, I really like the way she is looking out through the word Joy.

  8. Beautiful art and muffins!!!!


  9. Spectacular portrait!!
    Lovely design.
    Happy PPF and Happy Holidays!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  10. lovely layered look to this piece! have a JOYful holiday!

  11. Beautiful! Love the way you used the tangled word and her! Happy PPF!

  12. your joy zentangle is divine!!! Joy happens to be a favorite word of mine.
    And I too enjoy healthy eating , so if these muffins are healthy and can look that good-bring them on! Happy PPF!

  13. Very beautiful work. I like the way her face peeks through the intricate patterns and lines.

  14. Love how you have combined different mediums and different styles, makes such an interesting composition. Very beautiful, your joy shines through! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

  15. Truly lovely sentiment and art piece. Enjoy the season! HPPF!

  16. Great work! It radiates joy. Hope your holiday season is happy, and that you'll have a wonderful start for a new year filled with creativity and joy! ♥ denthe

  17. Yum! Cookies look delicious! :) Love the girl and doodles over her face.

  18. Beautiful! I love the way you mimicked strands of hair with your lettering. It took me a minute to realize that. Thanks for sharing the joy. Blessings!

  19. Your painting is beautiful! ~ Cookies look delish ~ Happy Holidays to you ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor ~ aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^)

  20. Your colorful zentangles are just gorgeous and there is no wonder that doing your art brings you real joy, not just a passing happiness or pleasure. Wonderful writing to go with the painting. And yes, that does look so delicious!!! Thanks for the visit to my watercolor doodle. I wish you a happy holiday season. Merry Christmas.

  21. Hello my beautiful friend..stunning..outstanding work..very visually mesmerizing and always meditative for me..your pieces always both invoke and evoke spiritual essence for me..blissful and beautiful! Wishing you many sparkles and massive-blessings in 2013! Thankyou for all the beauty you has been lovely getting to know you!

  22. Beautiful composition.Love the cultural colors and the girl's expression.Thanks for sharing all your joy!
    Love the post and the quote is so beautiful!


  23. Beautiful work!

    May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love. Merry Christmas!

    Hope to see you at Life's sweets and spices.

  24. What a sweet piece, it is very much filled with joy! The choco orange muffins look delicious too. Merry Christmas!

  25. Beautiful detailed work! Lovely thoughts!
    Hope you had a Great Xmas & Wish you a Great New Year too:)
    Sorry for dropping by late.
